Make a Donation
Learn How You Can Help
The Lucky Horse Sanctuary relies on donations to carry out our mission to keep our services accessible and affordable to all. As well as provide quality care and rehabilitation to our rescue animals and wounded healers.
Donations can be made to support and/or sponsor one of our wounded healers or to provide access to someone in need of our mental health and wellness services through The Therapeutic Farm Program or our Horse Whisper Kids Program.
Specify How We Use Your Donation
If you would like your donation to go toward a specific area, please enter Animals, Mental Health Therapy, Sponsorship, or Other in the comments section below.

Did you know that one horse eats about 12 bales of hay per month?
At The Lucky Horse Sanctuary, we have horses, sheep, goats, miniature horses, ponies, burros, and pigs all of which rely on hay as a source of food. The Lucky Horse Sanctuary needs 23 bales of hay a week!

Did you know that ducks need to live in a flock?
They are social animals and require socialization. At The Lucky Horse Sanctuary, we have over 30 birds, ducks, geese, chickens, and roosters combined.

Did you know that Alpaca’s require “haircuts”?
They typically need to be shorn twice a year in Florida. Just like sheep, their coats require regular care and they do not thrive without grooming. At The Lucky Horse Sanctuary, we have 12 alpaca and sheep combined – that’s a lot of haircuts!

Did you know that horses need their hooves trimmed?
Every 4 weeks hour horses need their hooves trimmed and our senior horses and ponies need to see the dentist twice a year.

Did you know that your investment in your own mental health or someone else’s will be a life changing experience?

Did you know that 20% of American youth ages 13-18 live with a mental health condition?

Did you know that studies indicate that only one hour of daily screen time can increase anxiety and depression amongst children and adolescents?